7z: E[x]tract an archive to `stdout`.
$ 7z x ${path-to-archive-7z} -so
try on your machine
The command "7z x ${path-to-archive-7z} -so" is a command-line instruction for extracting the contents of a 7z archive file and displaying the output to the console ("so" stands for "stdout" or standard output).
Here's a breakdown of the command components:
- "7z": This refers to the executable program named "7z," which is a widely used file archiver and compressor.
- "x": This is the command option used to extract files from an archive.
- "${path-to-archive-7z}": This is a placeholder for the actual path to the 7z archive file. You need to replace it with the specific path on your system.
- "-so": This option instructs 7z to send the extracted output to the console instead of writing it to individual files. "so" is a shorthand notation for "stdout," which represents the standard output stream.
When you run this command by substituting the placeholder with the proper file path, the 7z program will extract the files from the specified 7z archive and display them as output in the console window.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.