The Devops Life | The Magazine
The command line is considered boring and complicated. In this magazine, we prove that this is not the case. This is about all the great things you can do in the terminal, how it simplifies the life of every devops and developer.
Doing magic with Laminas on the CLI
Using the command line is often faster and more effective. Event when using frontend frameworks like nuxt. Here are the most important commands.
Exploring the Nuxt Command Line
Using the command line is often faster and more effective. Event when using frontend frameworks like nuxt. Here are the most important commands.
The Power of Apache Web Server Management
The Apache web serveris one of the most used open source solutions in the world and also the most used PHP web server.
Firewall and secure servers
How do you get a server secure? There are many ways, but most of them involve the use of firewalls. In this small tutorial we show the use of iptables.
360 Monitoring on the Command Line
360 Monitoring is a very comprehensive server and website monitoring tool. We have taken a look at its command line client and written down the most important commands.
How to install WordPress via the CLI?
Install WordPress without a control panel? It is definitely possible. We have briefly outlined the way here.
How to find files on the command line?
Sometimes it is important to find certain files. Be it particularly large ones or ones that contain certain information. All this is just a command away on the command line.
PHP and the Command Line: the perfect match
PHP happens mostly in the IDE and with the command line you come into contact less often. Nevertheless, there are many helpful commands.
How to have fun on the command line?
The command line can be fun. And we don't mean when you enjoy your job as a DevOps. No, you can watch films, play games and be entertained here.