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7za: List available archive types.
$ 7za i
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The command "7za i" is used to display information about an archive file, such as a compressed file or a collection of files stored together.

"7za" refers to the command-line version of the 7-Zip file archiver utility, which is a popular open-source file compression program.

The "i" is a shorthand for the "info" command within 7-Zip. It is used to provide detailed information about the specified archive file, including its file type, size, compression method, file list, and other properties.

By running "7za i" followed by the path to an archive file, you can obtain a summary of information about that file. This can be helpful in determining the contents and characteristics of an archive without actually decompressing it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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