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List of commands for 7zr:

  • 7zr:tldr:22cac 7zr: [l]ist the contents of an archive.
    $ 7zr l ${path-to-archive-7z}
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  • 7zr:tldr:27207 7zr: Encrypt an existing archive (including file names).
    $ 7zr a ${path-to-encrypted-7z} -p${password} -mhe=${on} ${path-to-archive-7z}
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  • 7zr:tldr:28518 7zr: E[x]tract an archive preserving the original directory structure.
    $ 7zr x ${path-to-archive-7z}
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  • 7zr:tldr:7f216 7zr: E[x]tract an archive to `stdout`.
    $ 7zr x ${path-to-archive-7z} -so
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  • 7zr:tldr:81b0e 7zr: List available archive types.
    $ 7zr i
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  • 7zr:tldr:e24aa 7zr: E[x]tract an archive to a specific directory.
    $ 7zr x ${path-to-archive-7z} -o${path-to-output}
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  • 7zr:tldr:f32d6 7zr: [a]rchive a file or directory.
    $ 7zr a ${path-to-archive-7z} ${filename_or_directory}
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