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a2disconf: Don't show informative messages.
$ sudo a2disconf --quiet ${configuration_file}
try on your machine

The command "sudo a2disconf --quiet ${configuration_file}" is used to disable an Apache configuration file specified by ${configuration_file}.

Here is a breakdown of each element in the command:

  • "sudo": This is a command that allows the user to run a command as a superuser or another user, providing administrative privileges. It is often used to execute commands that require elevated privileges or access.

  • "a2disconf": This is a command specific to Apache web server on Ubuntu (and related Linux distributions) that is used to disable or uninstall a specific Apache configuration file.

  • "--quiet": This option is used to run the command in a quiet or "silent" mode. It suppresses unnecessary output or prompts during the execution of the command.

  • "${configuration_file}": This is a placeholder variable that represents the name or path of the specific Apache configuration file that you want to disable. You need to replace "${configuration_file}" with the actual name or path of the configuration file.

Overall, this command executes the a2disconf command with administrative privileges (since it is prefixed with "sudo"), to disable a specific Apache configuration file specified by ${configuration_file} in a quiet mode.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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