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abduco: List sessions.
$ abduco
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Abduco is a command-line utility that is used to manage sessions in a terminal. It stands for "abducing a session."

When you run the abduco command, it presents you with a list of existing sessions or creates a new session if none exists. Each session corresponds to a specific terminal window or shell.

You can attach to a session using abduco -a [session-name], which essentially means joining and interacting with that particular session. When attached to a session, you can switch between sessions, detach from a session, or reattach to a detached session.

Some of the commonly used options with abduco include:

  • -l: Lists all available sessions.
  • -r: Resumes a session after it has been detached.
  • -e: Enables raw mode for attaching, allowing for better compatibility with some terminal applications.

Overall, abduco provides a simple and efficient way to manage terminal sessions, aiding in organizing and navigating between multiple shell instances.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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