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ac: Print how long users have been connected in hours.
$ ac -p
try on your machine

The command "ac -p" is a request to display the accounting statistics for a running program on a Unix-like system.

In Unix-based systems, the "ac" command stands for "accounting" and is used to generate information related to user-login statistics, system usage, and accounting logs. When used with the "-p" option, it specifically displays accounting information for a specific process or program.

By providing the process ID (PID) or the name of the program after the "-p" option (e.g., "ac -p 1234" or "ac -p program_name"), the command will retrieve and show statistical data related to the specified process. This information can include the amount of CPU time used, memory usage, number of I/O operations, and other relevant accounting details.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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