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back to the tool Install certificate files into the specified locations (useful for automatic certificate renewal).
$ --install-cert -d ${example-com} --key-file ${-path-to-example-com-key} --fullchain-file ${-path-to-example-com-cer} --reloadcmd ${"systemctl force-reload nginx"}
try on your machine

This command is using the tool to install a SSL/TLS certificate for a domain called "" on a server. Here's a breakdown of each part of the command:

  • This is the name of the command-line tool being executed.
  • --install-cert: This is a parameter that specifies that the command is for installing a certificate.
  • -d ${example-com}: This parameter specifies the domain for which the certificate is being installed. In this case, it is set to "".
  • --key-file ${-path-to-example-com-key}: This parameter specifies the path and filename where the private key for the certificate will be stored. The path and filename are provided as variables, denoted by ${}, with the variable name "-path-to-example-com-key". You would need to replace this with the actual path to the key file.
  • --fullchain-file ${-path-to-example-com-cer}: This parameter specifies the path and filename where the full chain certificate (including intermediate certificates) will be stored. Similar to the previous parameter, the path and filename are provided as variables, denoted by ${}, with the variable name "-path-to-example-com-cer". You need to replace this with the actual path to the certificate file.
  • --reloadcmd ${"systemctl force-reload nginx"}: This parameter specifies the command that will be executed to reload the server configuration after installing the certificate. In this case, the command is "systemctl force-reload nginx", which is used to reload the NGINX web server configuration. The command is enclosed in double quotes ("") to ensure that it is treated as a single parameter.

Make sure to replace the variable placeholders (${example-com}, ${-path-to-example-com-key}, ${-path-to-example-com-cer}) with the actual values before running the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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