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act: Show verbose logs.
$ act -v
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The command "act -v" is typically used to run the GitHub Actions locally in a simulated environment, providing verbose output.

  • The "act" command is a CLI tool that allows you to run GitHub Actions workflows locally on your development machine.
  • The "-v" flag is an option that stands for "verbose." When included, it enables the printing of more detailed and informative output during the execution of the workflows.

By running "act -v," you will be able to see a step-by-step log of the actions being executed, including their inputs, outputs, and any errors encountered. It helps in understanding the workflow's behavior and can assist in troubleshooting issues during development or testing.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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