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adb-install: Grant all permissions listed in the app manifest.
$ adb install -g ${filename-apk}
try on your machine

The command "adb install -g ${filename-apk}" is used to install an Android application package (APK) file onto an Android device using the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool.

Here is a breakdown of each part of the command:

  • "adb" is the command-line tool used to interact with Android devices through a computer. It allows you to manage apps, access device shell, transfer files, and more.

  • "install" is the ADB command keyword used to install an APK file onto an Android device.

  • "-g" is an optional flag that specifies that the app should be installed globally for all users on the device. This is useful when you want to install an app that can be used by any user on the device, not just the current user.

  • "${filename-apk}" is a placeholder for the actual filename of the APK file you want to install. You need to replace this placeholder with the actual filename and extension of the APK file you want to install.

Here is an example usage of this command with a specific filename:

adb install -g myapp.apk

This command will install the "myapp.apk" file onto the connected Android device, making it available for all users on the device.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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