adb: Copy a file/directory to the target device.
$ adb push ${path-to-local_file_or_directory} ${path-to-device_destination_directory}
try on your machine
This command is used in Android Debug Bridge (ADB) to push a file or directory from your local machine to a specific destination directory (directory on the Android device).
Here's a breakdown of the command:
adb push
is the ADB command used to push files or directories.${path-to-local_file_or_directory}
is the placeholder for the local file or directory on your machine that you want to transfer to the Android device. You need to provide the actual path to the file or directory in your local machine's file system.${path-to-device_destination_directory}
is the placeholder for the destination directory on the Android device where you want to place the file or directory. You need to provide the actual path to the target directory on the Android device's file system.
You need to replace ${path-to-local_file_or_directory}
with the actual path to the local file or directory, and ${path-to-device_destination_directory}
with the actual path to the destination directory on the Android device.
For example, if you have a file named example.txt
present in the current directory and you want to push it to the /sdcard/
directory on the Android device, you can use the following command:
adb push example.txt /sdcard/
This will transfer the example.txt
file to the /sdcard/
directory on the Android device.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.