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adig: Connect to a specific DNS [s]erver.
$ adig -s ${1-2-3-4} ${example-com}
try on your machine

The command you provided, "adig -s ${1-2-3-4} ${example-com}", seems to be a combination of variables and text. However, without more context and understanding the purpose or context of the command, it is difficult to provide a precise explanation.

In general, here is what we can decipher:

  1. "adig" is likely the name of a command or script.
  2. "-s" is likely a flag or option for the "adig" command, but its specific meaning is unclear without further information about the command itself.
  3. "${1-2-3-4}" appears to be a variable or argument placeholder. It is using the syntax of shell/bash scripting, where "$" signifies a variable and curly braces "{}" are used to enclose the variable name. In this case, it could potentially be used to represent an IP address or domain name.
  4. "${example-com}" is most likely another variable or argument placeholder, using the same syntax as explained above. It seems to represent a domain name, specifically "".

To fully understand the purpose and functionality of this command, further details about the "adig" command itself and the surrounding context would be necessary.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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