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adig: Use a specific TCP port to connect to a DNS server.
$ adig -T ${port} ${example-com}
try on your machine

The command "adig -T ${port} ${example-com}" is used for performing a DNS lookup using the adig tool. Here is a breakdown of its parts:

  • "adig": This is the name of the tool or command-line program that is being executed.
  • "-T": This option specifies that TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) should be used for the DNS lookup. The "-T" flag is often used when a DNS query response is larger than the default UDP (User Datagram Protocol) packet size limit, which is 512 bytes.
  • "${port}": This is a placeholder for the port number that should be used for the DNS query. Port numbers are used to identify specific services or processes running on a computer. You can replace "${port}" with the actual port number to be used in the command.
  • "${example-com}": This is a placeholder for the domain name or hostname that you want to perform the DNS lookup on. You can replace "${example-com}" with the actual domain name or hostname that you want to query.

So, when you execute the command with the appropriate values for the port and domain name/hostname, it will initiate a TCP-based DNS lookup for the specified domain name or hostname using the specified port number.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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