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adscript: Compile a file to an object file.
$ adscript --output ${filename-o} ${path-to-input_file-adscript}
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The command being explained is:

adscript --output ${filename-o} ${path-to-input_file-adscript}

This command appears to be using the adscript tool or program. Here is the breakdown of its components:

  • adscript: This is the name of the program or tool being executed.
  • --output: It is an option or flag recognized by the adscript command. It specifies that an output file will be generated.
  • ${filename-o}: This is a placeholder for a variable named filename. The value of the filename variable will be provided when running the command. The -o flag implies that the value will be used as the output filename or path for the resulting file.
  • ${path-to-input_file-adscript}: This is another placeholder for a variable named path-to-input_file-adscript. Its value should also be supplied during the command execution. This variable is expected to hold the path to an input file that will be processed by adscript.

In summary, the command is instructing the adscript tool to process an input file specified by the ${path-to-input_file-adscript} variable and generate an output file using the name specified in the ${filename-o} variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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