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ag: Find files with a name matching "foo".
$ ag -g ${foo}
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The command "ag -g ${foo}" is using the "ag" (The Silver Searcher) command-line tool with the options "-g" and "${foo}".

The "ag" command is a grep-like tool specifically designed for code searching. It helps in finding patterns in source code files quickly and efficiently.

The option "-g" in this command tells "ag" to only print out the filenames that match the given pattern, rather than displaying the actual matching lines. It is commonly used to look for files that contain specific text or code patterns.

The "${foo}" is a placeholder for a user-defined variable named "foo". It allows you to substitute the value of the variable into the command. You would replace "${foo}" with the actual value you want to search for, such as a keyword or pattern.

So, when executing the command "ag -g ${foo}", it will search for files whose names match the pattern provided in the "foo" variable. It will then display the list of matching filenames.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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