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aircrack-ng: Crack key from capture file using [w]ordlist.
$ aircrack-ng -w ${path-to-wordlist-txt} ${path-to-capture-cap}
try on your machine

The command "aircrack-ng -w ${path-to-wordlist-txt} ${path-to-capture-cap}" is used to crack a wireless network's WEP or WPA/WPA2-PSK encryption by using a brute-force or dictionary attack.

Here's what each part of the command means:

  • "aircrack-ng" is the name of the program used for analyzing and cracking wireless network encryption.
  • "-w" is a flag that indicates you want to use a wordlist file for the attack.
  • "${path-to-wordlist-txt}" is the path to the wordlist text file that contains a list of possible passwords to try during the cracking process. You need to specify the actual path to the wordlist file on your system.
  • "${path-to-capture-cap}" is the path to the packet capture file (usually a .cap file) that contains the encrypted network traffic captured from the target network. Again, you need to provide the actual path to the capture file on your system.

By running this command, aircrack-ng will iterate through the wordlist file, trying each password as the encryption key until it successfully decrypts the captured network traffic or exhausts all possibilities. This process requires a significant amount of computational power and time, depending on the complexity of the password and the resources available.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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