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airodump-ng: Capture packets and display information about a wireless network.
$ sudo airodump-ng ${interface}
try on your machine

The command "sudo airodump-ng ${interface}" is used to run the airodump-ng tool with elevated privileges ("sudo" grants superuser permissions).

The "airodump-ng" tool is a popular wireless packet-capture tool, typically used for monitoring and analyzing Wi-Fi networks. It can be utilized for various wireless network-related tasks, such as capturing packets, detecting devices connected to a network, analyzing network traffic, and gathering information like MAC addresses, SSIDs, signal strength, etc.

In this specific command, "${interface}" is a placeholder for the name of the network interface on which you want to perform the monitoring and packet capturing. Depending on your system, this can be something like "wlan0" or "eth0", which represents your wireless or Ethernet network interface, respectively.

When the command is executed, airodump-ng will start capturing packets on the specified interface, displaying information about the nearby wireless networks, associated clients, and their relevant details.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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