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airportd: Start the daemon.
$ airportd
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The "airportd" command is a utility in macOS that controls the behavior and configuration of the wireless network interface of your computer. It is responsible for managing Wi-Fi connections, handling network authentication, and managing other related tasks.

When you run the "airportd" command, it typically starts or restarts the airport daemon process, commonly known as "airportd". This process runs in the background and continuously monitors your wireless network connection, ensuring that it stays active and handles any changes or issues that may occur.

For example, if you encounter a problem with your Wi-Fi connection, running the "airportd" command can help in troubleshooting as it restarts the wireless network interface, refreshes the network settings, and attempts to establish a stable connection.

Overall, "airportd" is a crucial component for managing Wi-Fi functionality on macOS systems, providing a seamless and reliable wireless network experience.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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