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alex: Analyze all Markdown files except ``.
$ alex *.md !${example-md}
try on your machine

This command uses the Alex tool in a Unix-like command line environment. The command takes two arguments: *.md and !${example-md}.

*.md is a wildcard expression that matches all files in the current directory with the .md extension. This means that Alex will analyze all Markdown files in the current directory.

The !${example-md} part is formulating a negation pattern. It tells Alex to exclude files that match the example-md pattern. ${example-md} could be a variable representing a specific file name or pattern. By using an exclamation mark (!) before the pattern, the command instructs Alex to exclude any files that match this pattern from the analysis.

Overall, this command is instructing Alex to analyze all Markdown files in the current directory, excluding any files that match a specific pattern indicated by ${example-md}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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