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am: Convert an intent to a URI.
$ am to-uri -a ${android-intent-action-VIEW} -d ${tel:123}
try on your machine

The command am to-uri -a ${android-intent-action-VIEW} -d ${tel:123} is a command that can be executed on an Android device using the adb shell command.

Let's break down the different parts of this command:

am: This stands for Activity Manager. It is a command-line tool that allows you to perform various actions related to Android activities and intents.

to-uri: This is an option of the am command, specifying that you want to convert the given input into a URI format.

-a ${android-intent-action-VIEW}: This is an option used to specify the action of the intent. The ${android-intent-action-VIEW} is a placeholder for the actual action you want to specify, typically defining the type of action you would like to perform. For example, if you replace ${android-intent-action-VIEW} with android.intent.action.VIEW, it would indicate that you want to view something.

-d ${tel:123}: This is another option used to specify the data or URI associated with the intent. The ${tel:123} is a placeholder for the actual phone number you want to specify. In this case, it represents the telephone number "123".

To summarize, the command am to-uri -a ${android-intent-action-VIEW} -d ${tel:123} converts the input into a URI format, specifying that you want to perform the action of viewing something (the action can be defined using ${android-intent-action-VIEW}), where the data associated with the intent is the telephone number "123". This converted URI can be utilized for various purposes, such as launching an intent using the am start command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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