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Push a deeplink to your Android device
$ adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "${deeplink}" ${your_app_package_name}
try on your machine

The command adb shell am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "${deeplink}" ${your_app_package_name} is used to launch an Android application using the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) shell.

Here is a breakdown of the different components of the command:

  • adb: The Android Debug Bridge command-line tool used for communicating with an Android device or emulator.

  • shell: Executes the following command within the device's shell.

  • am start: Launches an Activity Manager within the device, which starts an application or initiates specific actions.

  • -W: This flag waits until the launched activity completes before displaying diagnostic information in the console.

  • -a android.intent.action.VIEW: Specifies the action to perform, which in this case is to view some content. The android.intent.action.VIEW action is commonly used to open URLs or deep links.

  • -d "${deeplink}": Sets the data (URL or deep link) for the intent. The ${deeplink} placeholder should be replaced with the actual deep link or URL you want to open.

  • ${your_app_package_name}: Specifies the package name of your Android application. Replace this placeholder with the actual package name of your application.

So, when you run this command with the appropriate values, it will launch the specified Android application with the provided deep link or URL as the intent's data.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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