ansible-galaxy: Search for a given role.
$ ansible-galaxy search ${role_name}
try on your machine
The command "ansible-galaxy search" is used to search for Ansible roles in the Ansible Galaxy repository.
- "ansible-galaxy" is the command-line tool that comes with Ansible for managing roles from Ansible Galaxy.
- "search" is the subcommand that allows you to perform a search operation.
- "${role_name}" is a placeholder for the name of the role you want to search for. It is expected that you replace "${role_name}" with the actual name of the role you want to find.
When you run this command with a specific role name, it will query the Ansible Galaxy repository and display a list of roles that match the search criteria. The output will include information about each role, such as the name, description, and the GitHub repository where the role is hosted.
Using this command, you can easily find and discover pre-built Ansible roles that are available in the Ansible Galaxy repository, which can be used in your infrastructure automation tasks.
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