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ansible-pull: Pull a playbook from a VCS and execute a specific playbook.
$ ansible-pull -U ${repository_url} ${playbook}
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The command ansible-pull -U ${repository_url} ${playbook} is used in Ansible to fetch and execute a playbook on a target machine.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • ansible-pull: This is the Ansible command used to fetch and execute playbooks on a target machine.
  • -U ${repository_url}: This option specifies the Git repository URL where the playbook is located. It tells ansible-pull to clone the repository and fetch the playbook from there.
  • ${playbook}: This specifies the name of the playbook file to be executed. It allows you to specify a specific playbook from the repository.

So, when you run the command, Ansible will pull the playbook from the given repository URL and execute it on the local machine. This is commonly used in scenarios where you want to run Ansible tasks on a remote machine without needing to have a dedicated Ansible control node.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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