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ansible: Display facts about a group of hosts by invoking the setup module.
$ ansible ${group} -m setup
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The command ansible ${group} -m setup is an Ansible command that is used to gather facts about the target hosts in a specific group.

Here's a breakdown of the command components:

  • ansible: This is the command-line tool used to automate infrastructure provisioning, application deployment, and configuration management using Ansible.
  • ${group}: This is a placeholder representing the name of the host group on which you want to gather facts. A host group is a collection of hosts defined in an Ansible inventory file. It can be a single host or a group of hosts sharing some common characteristics.
  • -m setup: This specifies the Ansible module (setup) to be used. The setup module is a built-in module in Ansible that collects system information and facts about the target hosts, such as OS details, IP addresses, CPU, memory, disk space, and more. Running this module provides a broad range of information about the hosts in the specified group.

By executing the command ansible ${group} -m setup, Ansible will connect to the hosts in the specified group and gather facts from them using the setup module. This information can be useful for various purposes, such as inventory management, conditional task execution based on host facts, or generating reports.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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