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antibody: Bundle all plugins for static loading.
$ antibody bundle < ${~--zsh_plugins-txt} > ${~--zsh_plugins-sh}
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The given command seems to be using the Zsh shell and involves the use of the "antibody" utility.

Let's break down the command step by step:

  1. antibody bundle: This is the main command being executed using the "antibody" utility. This command is used to generate a "bundle" file, which is a compiled version of your Zsh plugins.

  2. < ${~--zsh_plugins-txt}: The --zsh_plugins-txt is a variable that may hold the path to a file ending in ".txt". The ${~--zsh_plugins-txt} is a Zsh syntax to expand the value of the variable. So, this part is redirecting the content of the file specified by the value of --zsh_plugins-txt as the input for the antibody bundle command.

  3. > ${~--zsh_plugins-sh}: The --zsh_plugins-sh is another variable that may hold the path to a file ending in ".sh". Similar to the previous step, this part is redirecting the output of the antibody bundle command to the file specified by the value of --zsh_plugins-sh.

In summary, this command is using the "antibody" utility to compile Zsh plugins and store the result in a bundle file. It takes input from a file specified by the --zsh_plugins-txt variable and writes the output to a file specified by the --zsh_plugins-sh variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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