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apt-add-repository: Remove an apt repository.
$ apt-add-repository --remove ${repository_spec}
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The command "apt-add-repository --remove ${repository_spec}" is used to remove a previously added repository from the APT (Advanced Package Tool) package management system in Ubuntu or Debian-based systems.

The "--remove" option specifies that the repository mentioned by ${repository_spec} should be removed or disabled. The ${repository_spec} is the specific specification of the repository to be removed.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "apt-add-repository": This is the command itself. It is used to manage repositories in the APT system.
  • "--remove": This option indicates that the repository should be removed.
  • ${repository_spec}: This refers to the specific identifier or specification of the repository to be removed. It can be a URL or a shorthand identifier like "ppa:username/repository," which is often used for Personal Package Archives (PPAs).

To use the command, you would replace ${repository_spec} with the actual repository you want to remove. For example, if you wanted to remove a PPA called "ppa:example/repository," you would use:

apt-add-repository --remove ppa:example/repository

Keep in mind that this command requires administrative privileges, so you may need to use "sudo" before the command or run it as a superuser.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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