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apt-cache: Show dependencies for a package.
$ apt-cache depends ${package}
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The command "apt-cache depends ${package}" is used to display the dependencies of a specific package in the Apt package management system.

Here, ${package} should be replaced with the name of the package you want to view the dependencies for. When you run this command, it will retrieve and display the package's dependencies, including both the packages it requires to function properly (known as "Depends") and the packages it recommends (known as "Recommends").

The output of this command will be a list of packages, each with additional information about their relation and priority level to the specified package. This information can help you understand the package's dependencies and the potential impact of installing or removing it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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