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apt-mark: Show held packages that aren't being updated.
$ apt-mark showhold
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The apt-mark showhold command is used in Debian-based systems, such as Ubuntu, to display a list of packages that are currently on hold. When a package is marked as "hold," it means that the package will not be installed, upgraded, or removed by any package management commands until the hold status is released. This can be useful to prevent specific packages from being updated or modified, especially if you want to avoid potential compatibility issues or changes that could break your current system setup. The apt-mark showhold command simply lists all the packages that have been marked as hold, providing you with a clear overview of the packages that are excluded from any package management actions. For example, if you run the apt-mark showhold command, you might see a list like: package1 package2 package3 This output indicates that package1, package2, and package3 are currently on hold and will not be affected by package management operations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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