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ar: [r]eplace or add specific files to an archive.
$ ar r ${filename-deb} ${path-to-debian-binary path-to-control-tar-gz path-to-data-tar-xz ---}
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The given command is using the "ar" command to create a Debian (.deb) package file.

Let's break down the command and its parameters:

  1. "ar" is a command-line utility that is used to create, modify, and extract files from archive files. In this case, it is used to create a .deb package.

  2. "r" is the option used with the "ar" command, which specifies that files should be appended to the archive file. In other words, this option tells "ar" to add files to the .deb package.

  3. ${filename-deb} is a placeholder for the name of the .deb package file that will be created. It is expected to be provided as an input when executing the command. For example, if you want the output file to be named "example.deb", you would replace ${filename-deb} with "example.deb".

  4. ${path-to-debian-binary} is a placeholder for the path to the "debian-binary" file. This file contains the version of the Debian package format being used. It is a required part of the .deb package specification.

  5. ${path-to-control-tar-gz} is a placeholder for the path to the "control.tar.gz" file. This file contains metadata and control files necessary to install and manage the Debian package, such as package control information and pre/post installation scripts.

  6. ${path-to-data-tar-xz} is a placeholder for the path to the "data.tar.xz" file. This file contains the actual contents (files and directories) of the package that will be installed on the target system.

With all the placeholders replaced by actual file paths, the command as a whole is telling "ar" to append the "debian-binary", "control.tar.gz", and "data.tar.xz" files to the output .deb package file specified by ${filename-deb}.

By executing this command, you will create a Debian package file (.deb) that can be installed on Debian-based systems using package managers like dpkg or apt.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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