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ar: Create an archive with specific files and an accompanying object file index.
$ ar rs ${filename-a} ${filename1-o filename2-o ---}
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This command is a shorthand way of combining multiple object files into one archive file using the ar tool.

Let's break down the command:

  • "ar rs" is the command for creating or updating an archive file using the ar tool. "rs" stands for "replace or add members into the archive file".

  • "${filename-a}" is the name of the archive file we want to create or update. The "${filename-a}" syntax suggests that the command expects a placeholder value for the variable "filename", which will be replaced with an actual filename when the command is executed. The "-a" option in the placeholder suggests that if the archive file with the specified name does not exist, it will be created.

  • "${filename1-o filename2-o ---}" is a placeholder for multiple object files that we want to add to the archive file. The syntax "${filename1-o filename2-o ---}" suggests that we can specify any number of object file names, each separated by spaces. The "-o" option indicates that the following filename will be treated as an object file to be added to the archive.

Note that the "-o" option combined with the placeholder syntax allows us to specify as many object files as needed in a single command, rather than listing each file individually.

So, when this command is executed, it will replace or create the archive file specified by the variable "filename-a" (with the placeholder value replaced by the actual filename), and add all the object files specified after the "-o" options into the archive.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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