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arc: Send the changes to Differential for review.
$ arc diff
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The "arc diff" command is a command used in the "Arcanist" tool developed by Facebook for submitting code changes or generating code reviews in a version control system like Git.

Here is a breakdown of the "arc diff" command:

  • "arc": "Arcanist" is a command-line tool that helps with managing code changes, performing code reviews, and interacting with a version control system.
  • "diff": This is the action or subcommand of the "arc" tool. In this case, it represents the action of creating a diff or a code change, which includes the changes you have made to your code locally.

When you run the "arc diff" command, it compares the local changes you have made in your code with the previous state of the codebase in the version control system. It then generates a "diff" or a summary of the changes made, along with other relevant information such as the commit message, author, reviewers, and so on.

Once the "diff" is generated, you can use the "arc" tool to submit this diff for review, allowing your team members or reviewers to provide feedback, comments, and suggestions on your code changes. It simplifies the workflow of code review and facilitates collaboration among team members.

Note: To use "arc diff" command, you need to have the Arcanist tool and its dependencies installed and configured in your development environment. The exact usage and configuration might vary depending on the specific version control system and the setup of your project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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