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archinstall: Start the interactive installer.
$ archinstall
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The "archinstall" command is used to launch the Arch Linux installer. Arch Linux is a lightweight and highly customizable Linux distribution that follows a "do-it-yourself" philosophy. The "archinstall" command is executed from the Arch Linux boot media (typically a live USB or CD) and starts the installation process.

When you execute the "archinstall" command, the installer initializes and provides a series of prompts and menus to guide you through the installation process. The installer will guide you through partitioning your hard drive, selecting installation packages, configuring the system, setting up users, and other necessary steps to complete the installation of Arch Linux on your computer.

It's important to note that Arch Linux is considered a more advanced and hands-on distribution, as it requires manual configuration and doesn't provide as many pre-configured options as other user-friendly distributions. However, this also means that it provides more flexibility and customization options, allowing users to tailor their system exactly to their needs.

It's essential to refer to the official Arch Linux installation guide and other resources to understand the installation process, as it involves manual configuration and can be a bit complex for beginners.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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