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arduino-builder: Use a build option file, instead of specifying `--hardware`, `--tools`, etc. manually every time.
$ arduino-builder -build-options-file ${path-to-build-options-json}
try on your machine

The command you provided is related to the Arduino software development environment. Let's break it down:

  • arduino-builder: It refers to the Arduino Builder tool, which is a command-line utility used to compile and build Arduino sketches. This tool is primarily used to convert the code written in the Arduino programming language into a format that can be understood by Arduino-compatible microcontrollers.

  • -build-options-file: This option specifies that you want to provide a separate file containing build options instead of specifying them directly on the command line.

  • ${path-to-build-options-json}: Here, ${path-to-build-options-json} is a placeholder that needs to be replaced with the actual path to the JSON file containing the build options. The JSON file should be formatted following Arduino's build options specification. This file allows you to configure various aspects of the build process, such as the board type, parameters, optimization levels, compiler flags, and more.

By using this command, you can pass a build options configuration file to the Arduino Builder tool for compiling and building your Arduino sketches with specific settings or customization.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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