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arduino-builder: Enable verbose mode.
$ arduino-builder -verbose ${true}
try on your machine

The command "arduino-builder -verbose ${true}" is used to invoke the Arduino Builder tool with verbose output enabled.

Here is a breakdown of each element in the command:

  1. "arduino-builder": This is the name of the command or executable that is being called. In this case, it refers to the Arduino Builder tool, which is used to compile Arduino sketches (.ino files) into machine code for the Arduino board.

  2. "-verbose": This is a command-line flag or option that is passed to the arduino-builder command. It instructs the tool to provide more detailed and verbose output during the compilation process. This can be useful for debugging or troubleshooting purposes, as it shows additional information about the compilation progress, including the files being processed and any error messages encountered.

  3. "${true}": This element seems like a placeholder or variable that should be substituted with a specific value. Typically, "${true}" would be replaced with a value that represents a boolean true in the specific programming or scripting language being used.

Overall, the command instructs the Arduino Builder tool to compile Arduino sketches with verbose output enabled, providing detailed information about the compilation process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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