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argocd-app: List applications.
$ argocd app list --output ${select}
try on your machine

The command argocd app list --output ${select} is used to list the applications managed by Argo CD, which is a declarative continuous delivery tool.

The argocd app list part of the command specifies that it wants to list the applications, displaying information such as the application name, project, status, health, and last deployment time.

The --output ${select} flag specifies the desired format of the output. The ${select} is a placeholder that should be replaced with a specific output format option, such as wide, json, yaml, name, or table. Each format option presents the application list in a different way to meet different requirements or enable further processing. For example, wide displays more detailed information about each application, while json or yaml formats the output in the respective structured format for automation or programmatic use.

In summary, the command allows you to retrieve a list of applications managed by Argo CD and customize the output format according to your needs.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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