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aria2c: FTP download with username and password.
$ aria2c --ftp-user=${username} --ftp-passwd=${password} "${url}"
try on your machine

This command uses the tool "aria2c" to download a file from an FTP server using specified credentials. Here is what each part of the command does:

  • aria2c: This is the command to execute the "aria2c" tool. Aria2c is a lightweight and cross-platform command-line utility for downloading files.
  • --ftp-user=${username}: This option specifies the username to be used for authentication when connecting to the FTP server. The value of the "${username}" variable should be replaced with the actual username.
  • --ftp-passwd=${password}: This option specifies the password to be used for authentication when connecting to the FTP server. The value of the "${password}" variable should be replaced with the actual password.
  • "${url}": This is the URL of the file to be downloaded from the FTP server. The value of the "${url}" variable should be replaced with the actual URL of the file.

By running this command with the proper values for username, password, and URL, aria2c will connect to the FTP server using the provided credentials and download the specified file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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