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arping: Detect duplicated IP addresses in the network by sending ARP requests with a 3 second timeout.
$ arping -D -w ${3} ${ip_to_check}
try on your machine

The command "arping -D -w ${3} ${ip_to_check}" is an example of the arping command with some options.

  • arping is a command-line utility used for sending ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) requests to a specific IP address on a local network.
  • The -D option is used to display received ARP replies as well as unanswered ARP requests. It is helpful for debugging purposes.
  • The -w ${3} option sets the timeout duration for waiting for a response from the target IP address. The ${3} is a placeholder for a value that needs to be provided, indicating the specific timeout duration.
  • ${ip_to_check} is another placeholder for a value that needs to be provided, representing the IP address that needs to be checked.

In summary, this command sends an ARP request to the specified ${ip_to_check} address, waits for a response within the timeout duration ${3}, and displays the received replies and unanswered requests for debugging purposes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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