arping: Ping a host a specific number of times.
$ arping -c ${count} ${host_ip}
try on your machine
The command arping is a network utility used to send ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) requests to a specific IP address in order to check if a host is active or alive on the network. The options and arguments used in this particular command are as follows:
- The option -c specifies the number of ARP requests to send to the target IP address.
- ${count} is a variable that represents the desired count of ARP requests. It is expected to be substituted with an actual numeric value when executing the command.
- ${host_ip} is a variable that represents the IP address of the host or device that will receive the ARP requests. It is also expected to be replaced with the actual IP address when running the command.
So, when the command is executed with appropriate values substituted for the variables, it will send the specified count of ARP requests to the provided host IP address. The purpose is to determine if the host is active and reachable on the network.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.