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ascii: Show ASCII table in octal.
$ ascii -o
try on your machine

The ascii -o command is used to generate and display the ASCII representation of characters or a specified file. Here's a breakdown of the command components: - ascii: This is the main command that is used to generate ASCII characters.

  • -o: It is an option or flag that is used to specify the output format of the ASCII characters. So, when executing ascii -o, it will typically prompt you to enter characters or provide a file as input, and then it will output the corresponding ASCII representations of those characters or the contents of the specified file in ASCII format. The -o option can be accompanied by other parameters or options to further customize the output format, but without any additional parameters, the default format will be used.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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