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ascii: Show ASCII aliases in short, script-friendly mode.
$ ascii -t ${a}
try on your machine

The ascii -t ${a} command is a shell command that utilizes the ascii program with a specific flag (-t) and an argument (${a}).

The ascii program is a utility tool that converts characters into their corresponding ASCII values. The -t flag is used to specify the mode of the operation, which in this case is to convert the given argument into ASCII values.

${a} is likely a variable placeholder that represents a value or string that will be passed as an argument to the ascii command. The actual value or string will be substituted in place of ${a} when the command is executed.

For example, if ${a} is set to "Hello", then executing ascii -t ${a} would convert each character of the string "Hello" into its corresponding ASCII value and display the result.

Note: The specific behavior of the ascii command, as well as the purpose and meaning of the ${a} variable, may vary depending on the specific shell environment and the programs available in that environment. It's always recommended to consult the documentation or specific context for accurate information.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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