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asciinema: Replay a terminal recording hosted on
$ asciinema play${cast_id}
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The command "asciinema play${cast_id}" is used to play an ASCII recording from

Here is how the command breaks down:

  • "asciinema" is the command-line utility for recording and sharing terminal sessions in the form of ASCII animations.
  • "play" is the subcommand of "asciinema" that is used to play a recorded session.
  • "${cast_id}" is the URL of the cast you want to play. The "${cast_id}" should be replaced with the actual ID of the cast you want to play.

When you run this command, it will fetch the specific cast from, download it, and then play it in your terminal using ASCII characters. This allows you to replay and visualize command-line sessions that were previously recorded and shared on

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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