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asr: Skip verification after restoring.
$ sudo asr restore --source ${image_file-dmg} --target ${path-to-volume_file} --noverify
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The given command is used to restore a disk image (.dmg file) to a volume file. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • sudo: It is a command that allows a user with administrative privileges to execute a command as a superuser or root user. It prompts for the administrator's password before executing the command.

  • asr: It is the command-line utility for Apple Software Restore, used for disk imaging functions in macOS.

  • restore: It is an subcommand of asr used to restore a disk image to a volume.

  • --source ${image_file-dmg}: It specifies the source of the restore operation. ${image_file-dmg} is a substring indicating a variable. In this command, it indicates the path to the .dmg file that contains the disk image.

  • --target ${path-to-volume_file}: It specifies the target of the restore operation. ${path-to-volume_file} is a substring indicating a variable. In this command, it indicates the path to the volume file where the disk image will be restored.

  • --noverify: This option is used to skip the verification step, which checks the restored image against the original image to ensure data integrity. By using this option, the verification process is skipped, reducing the time taken for the restore operation.

Overall, the command runs the asr command as a superuser, restores the disk image located at ${image_file-dmg} to the volume file specified at ${path-to-volume_file}, and skips the verification step.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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