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assimp: Get help on a specific subcommand (e.g. the parameters specific to it).
$ assimp ${subcommand} --help
try on your machine

The command you mentioned is using the Assimp library's command line interface (CLI) to execute a specific subcommand with the "help" option.

Here's a breakdown of the command structure:

  • "assimp": This is the main command-line executable or binary file for the Assimp library.
  • "${subcommand}": This is a placeholder indicating that you need to replace it with an actual subcommand provided by Assimp. For example, it could be "export", "import", "info", etc.
  • "--help": This is an option passed to the subcommand, asking it to display usage information and a brief explanation of available arguments and options.

By running this command and replacing "${subcommand}" with your desired Assimp subcommand, you can get help/documentation on how to use that specific feature.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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