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assimp: Convert a file to one of the supported output formats, using the default parameters.
$ assimp export ${input_file-stl} ${output_file-obj}
try on your machine

The command you provided appears to be using "assimp" to export a 3D model file from one format to another. Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • assimp: This is the main command used to execute the Assimp library functionality. Assimp is an open-source library for importing and exporting 3D models. It supports various file formats commonly used in computer graphics and game development.

  • export: This part of the command indicates that you want to export a 3D model from one format to another.

  • ${input_file-stl}: This is a placeholder representing the file you want to convert. It suggests that you should replace ${input_file-stl} with the actual input file name and format, in this case, an STL file. STL is a common file format used for 3D printing and computer-aided design (CAD).

  • ${output_file-obj}: Similar to the previous placeholder, this represents the desired output file name and format. ${output_file-obj} should be replaced with the actual output file name and format, in this case, an OBJ file. OBJ is another common 3D file format supported by Assimp and widely used in graphic design and game development.

So, to use this command, you would substitute ${input_file-stl} with the actual name and format of the input STL file you want to convert, and ${output_file-obj} with the desired name and format of the OBJ file that will be created after the conversion process.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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