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asterisk: [R]econnect to a running server, and turn on logging 3 levels of [v]erbosity.
$ asterisk -r -vvv
try on your machine

The command "asterisk -r -vvv" is used to start the Asterisk open-source telephony software in the command-line interface with enhanced verbosity.

Here is a breakdown of each component of the command:

  1. "asterisk": This is the command to start the Asterisk software. Since it is executed in the command-line interface, you need to have Asterisk installed and accessible from the command line.

  2. "-r": This option stands for "remote" and allows you to connect to a running Asterisk instance remotely via a command-line interface. It enables you to send commands and interact with Asterisk without being physically present on the machine where Asterisk is running.

  3. "-vvv": This option sets the verbosity level of the Asterisk console output. The more "v" characters you add ("-v", "-vv", "-vvv"), the more detailed and extensive the output will be. In this case, "-vvv" sets the highest verbosity level, providing a very detailed and verbose output. This can be useful for troubleshooting, debugging, or monitoring purposes.

Overall, the "asterisk -r -vvv" command starts Asterisk, enables remote access, and sets the output verbosity level to its highest.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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