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asterisk: Reload chan_SIP configuration.
$ asterisk -r -x "sip reload"
try on your machine

The command "asterisk -r -x "sip reload"" is used to reload the SIP configuration in the Asterisk VoIP (Voice over IP) server.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "asterisk": This is the command to execute the Asterisk server, which is an open-source PBX (Private Branch Exchange) software used for creating telephony applications.

  • "-r": This option tells Asterisk to run in remote console mode. It allows you to connect to Asterisk and interact with it using a command-line interface.

  • "-x": This option is used to send a command to Asterisk after connecting to the remote console. It allows you to execute a specific command without manually typing it in the console.

  • "sip reload": This is the command sent to Asterisk using the "-x" option. It instructs Asterisk to reload the SIP configuration. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a signaling protocol used for initiating and terminating communication sessions in VoIP networks.

In summary, when you run the "asterisk -r -x "sip reload"" command, it connects to the Asterisk server in remote console mode and sends the "sip reload" command to reload the SIP configuration. This can be useful when you make changes to the SIP configuration file and want to apply them without restarting the entire Asterisk server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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