asterisk: Show active calls and channels.
$ asterisk -r -x "core show channels"
try on your machine
The command "asterisk -r -x 'core show channels'" is used to access the Asterisk command-line interface (CLI) and execute a command within it.
Here is the breakdown of the command:
- "asterisk": This is the executable command to run the Asterisk telephony software.
- "-r": This option enables the remote console mode, allowing you to access the CLI interactively.
- "-x": This option allows you to execute a specific command within the CLI without entering the interactive mode.
- "'core show channels'": This is the specific Asterisk command being executed within the CLI. In this case, it is "core show channels" which is used to display information about the current active channels in the Asterisk system like the number of active calls, their state, and some additional details.
Overall, this command will log into the Asterisk CLI remotely, execute the "core show channels" command, and display information about the active channels in the system.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.