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atop: Start.
$ atop
try on your machine

The "atop" command is a Linux utility used to monitor the system's performance in real time. It provides detailed information about various system resources, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, network activity, and more.

When you run the "atop" command, it displays a continuously updating screen of statistics and metrics related to different system components. By default, it shows the CPU-related statistics, such as individual CPU utilization, load average, and process information.

Here's a breakdown of some commonly used keys while atop is running:

  • "q": Quit the atop utility.
  • "C": Sort the processes based on the CPU utilization.
  • "M": Sort the processes based on memory utilization.
  • "D": Sort the processes based on disk activity.
  • "n": Change the number of iterations per second.
  • "d": Toggle disk activity display.
  • "N": Toggle network activity display.

Besides the interactive mode, atop also has several command-line options that allow you to generate reports and logs. You can redirect the output to a file, specify the interval at which statistics are collected, customize the display, and more.

Overall, atop is a powerful tool for analyzing system performance and troubleshooting performance issues, providing a comprehensive overview of the system's resource usage.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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