atoum: Run all tests under a specific namespace.
$ atoum -ns ${namespace}
try on your machine
This command is invoking the atoum testing framework with the -ns
option followed by a namespace.
Here's the breakdown of each part:
: This is the command to execute the atoum testing framework. Atoum is a modern and simple PHP testing library used for unit testing.-ns
: This is a command-line option or flag in atoum. It stands for "namespace" and is used to specify the namespace(s) to be tested by atoum.${namespace}
: This is a placeholder indicating that you need to replace it with an actual namespace that you want to test. You should replace${namespace}
with the desired namespace, such asMy\App\Tests
When you execute the command with a specific namespace, atoum will run the tests associated with that namespace and provide you with the corresponding test results and feedback.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.