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atq: Show the current user's scheduled jobs.
$ atq
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The atq command is used to display the list of pending "at" jobs on a system. "at" is a command-line utility that allows users to schedule tasks or commands to be executed at a certain time in the future, just once.

When you schedule an "at" job using the at command, it is added to the system's queue of pending tasks. The atq command then displays a list of these pending jobs, including their unique identifiers, execution times, and the usernames of the users who scheduled them.

The output of atq typically consists of several lines, each representing a pending "at" job. The lines contain information in the following format:

jobID   executionTime
  • jobID is a unique identifier assigned to each job when it is scheduled. It is a number that helps identify and manage the job.
  • executionTime is the date and time at which the job is scheduled to be executed. It is usually displayed in a human-readable format.

The atq command can be useful in checking the status of pending "at" jobs, verifying scheduled times, or managing and deleting specific jobs using their assigned IDs with other commands like atrm.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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